L. Farm Machine Systems

Laboratory of Farm Machine Systems

Director: Prof. Sp. Fountas
Τel: +30 210 529 4035
Fax: +30 210 529 4032
E-mail: sfountas@aua.gr


The Laboratory of Farm Machine Systems reaches 100 years since its establishment in 1920 and it is one of the first laboratories established in the also established at that time Athens School of Agriculture, (Government Gazette, issue a ‘ sheet 274 of 28 November 1920). The laboratory today as one of the six laboratories of the Department and it covers the latest cutting edge research more intensely than its title suggests. These areas may be distinguished in: (1) the mechanics of bio-systems and bio-processes (2) the operation, selection appropriate use and management, ergonomics and support of standalone and paired agricultural machine systems and their parts and components. (3) the operation, selection and appropriate management of farm machine systems. (4) The post-harvest and post-production handling of fresh agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables and fruits (separation/packaging, pre-freezing, conventional and controlled atmosphere refrigeration chambers, ventilated warehouses, dryers, cold and refrigerated transport, supply refrigeration chain-Logistics etc.). (5) the technologies and provisions applicable to Agro-food sector. (6) the processes automation and systems involved in intensive and qualitative agro-food production. (7) In the application of cutting-edge emerging technologies in the agro-food sector (development and synergy of advanced sensor technologies, information and communication technologies, robotics and precision agriculture technologies. Technologies for quality agriculture, electronics, artificial intelligence in agricultural machine systems, tracers technologies, decision support systems, web-based applications etc.). (8) The appropriate and sustainable use of energy sources with emphasis on energy efficiency, environmental protection, the production of energy from renewable sources and its applications as well as energy efficiency in the agro-nutritional sector.

The teaching staff of the laboratory offers a multitude of cutting-edge courses to the students of the Department of Natural Resources Development and Agricultural Engineering, as well as to students from the other departments of the schools of AUA. Indicatively, the Laboratory of Farm Machine Systems in its modern spaces with the use of modern educational and research equipment offers theoretical and practical training in the courses of:  thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, internal combustion engines, electric Machines, agricultural machine systems, tractors, renewable energy technologies, measurements and sensors, automatic control of processes, electronics and microprocessors, information technologies, artificial intelligence, wireless networks, thermal and cooling machines, turbine and pumping complexes, facilities for the maintenance of fresh agricultural products and the artificial environment of agricultural buildings.

All in all, the students of the Schools of the AUA who are trained at the premises of the laboratory exceed 400 per year. The laboratory is staffed with 5 professors of all levels, 1 member of the EDIP and 4 ETEP members, while the research programs of the laboratory employ about 20 scientists, (PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers). In the last five years, research projects funded by the European Union and national bodies of a total budget of more than three million EURO (€3 million) were implemented in the laboratory. The offices, education and research areas of the laboratory are housed in the Roussopoulos Building (www2.aua.gr/el/building/ktirio-roysopoyloy) on the campus of the University Campus and in adjacent areas with a total surface exceeding 2.500 m2.